Investments and Retirement Planning
As an investment firm in Ashland, Ohio and an RIA, we recognize that everyone needs a different and customized strategy for investing, because everyone is seeking different objectives. The growth goals of a person nearing retirement are a lot different than a person just starting out, or for risk-averse investors that may be wary of too much market exposure. We've constructed Crosby Advisory Group (CAG) foundational portfolio strategies that are customized to align with your specific goals and time horizon - they include:
- Conservative
- Moderate
- Moderate-High
- Aggressive
- Aggressive-High
Each quarter we provide outlook summaries for all of our core investment strategies. Contact our office for more information.
CAG Conservative Strategy
We've constructed a custom conservative portfolio that is designed for solid growth potential with significantly less volatility than the overall market. We preserve capital and focus on growth.
For these investors, we have a conservative portfolio that aims to achieve the following:
- Risk Tolerance
- Investment Period
- Economic Cycle
- Personal Savings Objectives
CAG Moderate Investing Strategy
When we constructed our Moderate Strategy, our objective was to provide a steady return and grow on pace with market returns and with less volatility than the S&P 500 index. This is a challenge in any market, but this strategy has consistently performed well even in bear markets.
We believe there is significant value in long-term investing. Time is the greatest asset when investing and there isn't a need to take on unnecessary risk. You can obtain modest returns and with continued persistence achieve your financial goals. This portfolio is well suited for the investor that wants consistent near market returns with less volatility and wants more exposure to stocks.
CAG Moderate-High Investing Strategy
Our Moderate-High Strategy objective is to outpace the S&P 500 Index with less short-term volatility, while preserving capital in bear markets. This is achieved by increasing the exposure to equities and rebalancing every quarter to open favorable positions at opportune times.
- Main Attributes
- Higher Growth Potential
- Less Volatile Than the S&P 500
- Quality Holdings
- Diversified Portfolio
The CAG Moderate-High Strategy is consistently popular because of what we have been able to achieve. There remains diversification of asset classes with positions in bonds and equities but there is also diversification in the duration of bonds and diversification within the market caps of the equity holdings. This portfolio is designed for investors that want market returns with less volatility and want more exposure to stocks.
CAG Aggressive Investing Strategy
For more experienced investors we have built an aggressive approach aimed to outpace market return in the long run. For the Aggressive and Aggressive-High Strategies, we exemplify the benefits of long-term investing. The value of long-term investing comes from the ability to trust the process during bear markets and use it as an opportunity to purchase assets and not sell them.
The companies, mutual funds and ETFs that we research, select, and even purchase within this strategy are companies that have a long track record of performance, not just in the stock price but the underlying fundamentals of the company. The Aggressive and Aggressive-High portfolios aim to achieve the following:
- Capital Appreciation
- Long-Term Outpacing of the Market
- Smart & Tactical Investing
- Diversification
- Exposure to Winners of the New Economy
CAG Aggressive-High Investing Strategy
Much like our Aggressive Strategy, the Aggressive-High Strategy is positioned to beat market performance over the long run with comparable volatility.
Wherever you are in your wealth-building journey we would like to be a partner and help you in your success. We take great pride in being a reputable investment in Northeast Ohio, with offices in Ashland, Ohio and Painesville, Ohio. Contact us today to discuss your financial plan and provide insight on the next steps you could take to achieve financial freedom and independence.
At any time, you can request our forms ADV 2A and ADV 2B which go into the business practices and qualifications of Crosby Advisory Group, LLC. Insurance products offered are serviced through NMD Insurance and Crosby Advisory Group, LLC, which are licensed in the state of Ohio for Life & Health and Property and casualty insurance. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. You should carefully consider and understand all risks before making an investment.