H&W: Reading & Target-Date Funds

Nate Crosby |

What does reading do for you? 

What better way to give your brain a workout – reading! We love to read for so many reasons but as we dug into it, there are actually a lot of additional benefits besides enjoyment.

  • Expand your vocabulary and strengthen your writing skills 
  • Exercise your brain and improve your focus / concentration 
  • Improve your general knowledge 
  • Help you relax 

There are a lot of reasons why reading gets put on the back burner – trust us, we know! Schedules are hectic, kids are being kids (‘nuff said), or just generally feeling too tired at the end of the day. Do yourself a favor and escape to a quiet spot for 30-minutes with your phone on do not disturb and check out one of our latest favorite reads:

  1. Nightingale by Kristin Hannah 
  2. Daring Greatly – Brene Brown 
  3. Stillness is the Key – Ryan Holiday 

Get your kids involved, too, by checking out the summer reading programs at your local library. Ashland has a great one!

What’s in your 401k? 

Roughly 40% of 401k plans in America are managed with target date funds. What is a target date fund? Like the name suggests, these funds are designed around your time horizon – longer timeframe accounts are aggressive and as you get closer to retirement, they gradually become more conservative. They are mostly made of two asset classes – stocks and bonds. 

If your 401k is made up of target date funds, we recommend you give us a call. Why? Well, you may want to evaluate your options and see if your assets can perform better (psst: target date funds tend to underperform). You may want to further diversify your portfolio, too. If you are using and want to stick with a target date fund strategy, don’t worry, it’s still a viable option for investing your money! 

Give us a call and we can help you evaluate your options.